In this ongoing performance project, I explore how the current age of near-global monitoring and quantification can create new forms of process-led composition and performance.
There is a common formula of representing global data that matches it with an interval of time, e.g. “every second, 4.2 babies are born”, or “every minute, 1.2 bitcoin is mined worldwide”, suggesting a kind of repeating rhythm to these events. In this audio/visual performance, I take many such ‘rhythmic’ data points and synchronise each sound in the composition with a different data-rhythm, making all the sounds of the piece representative of different global-scale events. Through this, I draw out different narratives from the world through the data we use to measure it – the sections of the performance seen in the video trailer below cover the vast shadow-world of data trading and targeted advertisement, as well as the deeply carbon inefficiency and climate abuse behind every bitcoin.
The total performance is 35 minutes. For bookings: wesleygoatley[at]gmail[dot]com